Construction Industry
“The introduction of E-Colors in 2011 as a complementary safety program in FE-MCP to enhance our safe work practices was apt and appropriate. It has enabled the entire facilities engineering and major capital project teams to demonstrate that "zero is attainable" despite the complexities of our everyday work. Every employee went home without injury. FE-MCP used to contribute 68% of the incidents in NMA but came down to zero in 2013. We sustained an excellent safety performance with significant improvement from 2011 to date. What a wonderful and powerful tool to predict and understand individual’s reactions and perspectives to risks.”
– General Manager, Construction
The client was challenged with on-time performance and safety in large multi-partner construction projects. Through a core team of over 400 engineers and supervisors they oversaw more than 3000 contractor employees from multiple contractors and cultures. There was a long-term culture of lack of trust between the client and contractors resulting in over budget, over time and poor safety. What they wanted was consistent safe, reliable and efficient operations over multiple projects.
Equilibria worked initially with the client’s senior project managers using E-Colors to understand the different personalities and communication styles. We then worked with three specific project teams (Escravos, Lekki, Ulsan-Korea). With the project teams, we introduced E-Colors and the 8 Essentials of Intentional Leadership in the client’s and business partners’ leadership teams, and E-Colors, Personal Intervention and Cultural Awareness to the frontline supervisors and work teams.
Over 18 months, the client moved from the worst safety performance in the global business unit to the best – 3,000+ workers without a Days Away From Work (DAFW) incident in one year. Working with contractors as partners, their budget performance improved dramatically. The first Major Capital Project (+/- $1billion) came in on-time and on-budget.