Oil & Gas Industry
Our client was experiencing incidents, injuries and occasionally fatalities in their land drilling operations. Root cause analysis suggested that more than 85% of all such incidents were due to human error. Their objective was to introduce Human & Organizational Performance technologies to reduce human error and thereby reduce serious injuries and fatalities to zero.
They engaged Equilibria and Fisher Improvement Technologies (FIT) to implement a leading edge human performance process called Advanced Error Reduction in Organizations (AERO). Starting with the senior leadership team, we conducted a series of leadership workshops and train the trainer courses to equip all employees with knowledge of AERO concepts.
Employees started to operate and communicate with a heightened awareness of human & organizational performance concepts. Personal Intervention was used to enable them to identify the traps and triggers that
lead to errors, then use human performance tools to reduce error rates by a factor of up to 100. Within the first year, the client is reporting reduced incident rates and is shaping up to have one of their safest years on record with zero serious injuries or fatalities.